11 Nov The Advantages Of eCommerce Automation With Kirk Cooper, ECom Automation Gurus CEO
Want to get into the world of e-commerce and launch your own Amazon store? You’ve come to the right place! Kirk Cooper is the CEO at Ecom Automation Gurus, where he helps business owners automate their Amazon store. There are pros and cons to launching your business on a major platform, and Kirk is here to break it all down. He shares his experience going from teacher and coach to making money in the eCommerce space. He gives tips from finding the right product to building a high-performing team. Tune in and get the info on how to optimize and scale your online business through Amazon.
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The Advantages Of eCommerce Automation With Kirk Cooper, ECom Automation Gurus CEO
Kirk Cooper, welcome to the show. Have you ever seen that British comedian who plays with his microphone as if there’s something wrong with it? It’s hilarious to watch. It was like Vaudeville years ago.
That would be funny, especially where everything is moving to Zoom and online where you could play with the person at the side.
Tell me, as an ex-school teacher, if someone was doing that to you, are you still allowed to throw things at pupils if they misbehave?
Unfortunately, not.
Is that why you left?
That’s not the reason why. It’s a lot different than when I was a student compared to when I was a teacher for sure. Night and day, from what I could tell, it’s very political. Their way or the high way you’ve got to play by their rules even if what you feel you are doing is completely right and it’s in the best interest of the student.
Is it the students that demand this? Is it the students that say, “My way or the high way?”
Some of them, unfortunately. They have been ingrained with that mentality. They have been brought up with parents that allow them to treat people that way. Not all of them but a decent chunk of kids are like that that make the industry sour and unenjoyable in some respects. It’s not easy anymore.
I remember when I was at school, we had blackboards with chalk. The board erasers would be regularly flying from the front to the back of the class to wake up Johnny who had fallen asleep. We had inkwells where you would dip your pen into it. Am I showing my age? All of this has gone. That is why the fabric of society is breaking down because people don’t have to work to use ink in their pens. That’s where it all stemmed.
I agree 100% and you are seeing it. Every little mom-and-pop shop, small businesses help with it. People are making more money sitting at home so they are not going out and filling those positions that are paying them $14 or $15.
Do you know where they are making money? It’s through eCommerce.
I know all those people. eCommerce is huge.
Tell me a little bit about your business. What do you do in the eComm world?
What I do is all stemmed from curiosity. It’s stemmed from, “I want to make some extra money on top of being a teacher and coach. I wanted to find a way to not have to leave the house and work another job.” It turned into burning the candle at both ends of the night, staying up late, teaching myself, and honing my ability to do proper product research, product listings, deliver a product and care for the customers. Eventually, it got to the point where I was working all the time. I gave myself another job.
Teaching became a side hustle.
If you leverage Amazon’s platform and put your products on it, it puts you on a podium.
I was like, “I’ve got to be able to step back.” That’s where I started training a team. I spent three months of multiple nights a week getting online, sharing my screen, and teaching this team that I eventually agreed to work with. It was six guys. I taught them all my ins and outs. Eventually, I backed off still logged on and still on the screen but they were running the business, which is my store. I was there to be like, “That looks good. I will try this.” They were asking questions. It got to a point where I didn’t have to work.
The store was running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, instead of 4 hours at night. I was making money passively and as I slept. They were making money by being employed and running the store but I was doing more revenue and net than I could ever have imagined. That’s where I was like, “What’s our ability to find other individuals that are coming out of the university level that has this background? This is what they studied and they would be eager and hungry to get into this industry and grow with us as we grow our team?” We can help other people do this passively and make money on the eCommerce space without knowing a lick about product research, product listings or taking the time to run the business, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th stream of income.
eCommerce is a word that people hear a lot but it would be useful if you could take us through some baby steps as to what is eCommerce. What does it mean? How did you begin to start trading? What is the infrastructure? What are the platforms? How do you make money? Where do you start?
First and foremost, we are taking advantage of 2021 rolling into 2022. This is where people are finding themselves and buying their products. Even more so with COVID that came through, it forced those people of the older generation that weren’t as comfortable with online shopping. It forced them to become comfortable, investigate and learn. Many of those, as you look at the statistics, haven’t dropped off because they continue it. They found comfort and ease to shop online.
Are you working with a large outfit like Amazon or is this a separate website? Do you go through their store or do you have your own destination that you are trying to drive people to?
We do it all. That’s where it is. Amazon, you don’t need to run and market in a lot of cases because people are already using that platform. They know it. They get on one-click purchases. If you leverage their platform and put your products on it, it puts you on a podium and a scale. It’s the same thing with Walmart.com but places like Shopify give you a kit. You can go in and build out your own domain and product. You’ve got to run traffic to it because people don’t know how to go find KirksEcomGadgets.com.
We’ve got to drive them to Amazon. They already know to go to Amazon. That’s why we partner and leverage their platform to run these businesses off of it. We team up with them and use their marketability. We bring our ability to grow, scale and launch products. We marry them together to run a successful business hand-in-hand.
That’s a structure that Amazon has but the whole thing is it’s a huge universe. There are a lot of people selling gadgets and widgets. There must be some way of making sure that people look for your stuff. How do they choose your stuff rather than the guy next door?
Depending upon the model. The most popular model that we run is demanded by the business owner. More than anything, they want to dropship. That’s what most people want to do because they don’t have to buy thousands of units of inventory and hope that once it gets into the Amazon warehouse, they don’t have some competition. They rush in and have to compete selling their products.
They are like, “We list these products. We don’t have them yet but when we sell them, we will go over and buy them, and have them shipped to the customer.” For something like that, what makes and sets us apart is that we are running these stores 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, opposed to the old me, Kirk Cooper. When I was doing this, I was 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM, then I would be in athletic weight training at 7:00 AM or teaching health class by 9:00 AM. I wasn’t able to work on that side of my business.
You can’t optimize when you need to optimize. You don’t get the notifications, and then act on them when you need to act on them. That allows you to grow, sprout, develop and allow yourself to be more visible to align with Amazon’s algorithms, which in turn, algorithms give you the Buy Box. The buy box, for those of us that don’t know, if you or I were to go on and we wanted to buy a new lawnmower and we found the lawnmower, there could be 10 to 15 other people selling that same lawn mower.
It’s a big brand and we have sourced it. We know where to get it. We have a good price for it. We know we can sell it for this. If 10 to 15 other people are selling it but we show Amazon that we are responsive, that we are selling higher volume, and we are having more successful end conversion rates, they are going to give us more time as the buy now. Somebody has to have that Buy Now button. If it’s you, the other people have still listed sellers but they are going to have to earn it some way, shape or form and being in the trenches of running your business.
When you look at Amazon, buy something and it says, “Also available from other sellers,” there’s a list of a whole bunch of people that you have never heard of and probably don’t do business with because you don’t trust them necessarily. Those are the people that are not able to fulfill the requirements of what Amazon is looking for in terms of their partners.
They haven’t got their store to rank yet to even be given the chance. When something happens, you don’t get the 24 hours. You are not going to have the buy box for the full day but you might earn it for eighteen hours and the prime eighteen hours. They will give someone else a chance for about an hour. If you do well within that time, you start to rank higher. If this person slips, then all of a sudden you slide into the majority leader.

eCommerce Automation: COVID forced those people that of the older generation that weren’t as comfortable with online shopping to become comfortable, investigate, and learn.
Amazon store is a world within a world. We are mentioning dropshipping and algorithms. Another thing I want to talk about is the review process. You see some products which have tens of thousands of reviews. Those are some of the key buying factors or key factors that determine what people buy and how comfortable they are buying. To get that number of views or responses for your lawnmower, is that a separate industry in its own right?
It is. You are going to find that the reviews on a product become more important when you are trying to sell your own branded products, your own private label-based products because it’s going to start from scratch and have zero. When we are selling this lawnmower, for instance, when we are dropshipping, we are selling brand name products and that’s why there are multiple people selling them.
The product isn’t as important as your seller position and who you are as a seller because these people already know that brand. They know, “I’ve got to find this brand of this.” You are just one of many sellers. They are looking for the product and then you are going to be the person to fulfill it when you are ranking your store appropriately.
Where did you start? Where did you get the idea that you wanted to do this particular business? The second part of the question is, how did you begin? What was the first step that you took?
The industry itself was attractive simply because I could do this from home. Everybody goes to bed. I can go to my computer, pull in real tight, grind away, and not feel like I had to leave the house, separate myself from my family and all that.
That’s one of the huge drivers of these types of businesses that you have control. You don’t have to dance to someone else’s tune. You can work there. I can see that’s a powerful motivation.
I have found some one-off pretty helpful YouTube videos that helped me as far as how to get my gear straight on proper product research. I’ve got into the private label industry. That was me trying to find quality products overseas, a product that I could source at a lower price point, create a brand and a label around it, and then market it to sell things like silicone baking mats.
There was someone else I was interviewing who started in a similar business. The product research that they did lead him towards sex toys. It’s an underserved market. There are all sorts of fun, games, and puns you can have with this. The research was there’s demand. You’ve only got 1 or 2 people providing these products. He did incredibly well.
When you talk about product research, does that mean you are sitting there scratching your head thinking, “What am I going to sell?” I have seen this video that shows me how I set up. It’s a bit like when you write a book. I can go to Kindle Publishing. I know how to get it published but what am I going to write? Is it the same question you ask, “What am I going to sell?”
Yes. When you are starting and you don’t have a ton of capital and funds to invest in all of the neat software that is out there that can help scrape different platforms, you are doing reverse engineering. You are going on to the platform you want to sell on Amazon. You are looking to see there’s this and a gap here. You then go see that this product exists. You try to fill the need of vacant space or you find a product that you feel you can improve upon, something that you will bring in and you will essentially take over that niche. You are going to improve upon a product that’s already out there. How I found myself getting into the space was reverse-engineering it, looking for stuff that I would be filling a void and then tried to fill it.
We sell on Amazon various different shops where people specialize in certain things. Your business, is it specific to a particular type of product or are you continually looking for gaps in any market or any type of consumer product?
We want to leave our minds open. It’s like HomeGoods. It’s very vague. The product is going to have the ability to make you money. We want to be able to include it. We are not just women, hair care or anything like that. It’s open. We want to be able to sell anything and everything under the sun to make money.
Your background as a coach probably came into this at some point where you don’t want to play the game necessarily. Your company, Ecom Automation Gurus, did that come about where you are saying, “I can do this but I don’t want to do the 24-hour thing. I can teach people how to do this?” Tell me about your current company and how they emerged from this learning.
It turned into being able to delegate. I want the business to work for me. I didn’t necessarily want to continue to work for the business. What I mean by that is I don’t want to find myself in the trenches. In the eComm space, you have to fulfill orders seven days a week. You can’t necessarily take a day off because you’ve got to get the product in motion to get it to your customer.
Is that something that you discovered early on or is that something that you knew was going to happen? Was it a bit of, “This isn’t too good to be true. Lots of hard work is involved because I can’t go to bed ever?”
If there’s 10 to 15 other people selling it, but we show Amazon that we’re responsive, that we’re selling higher volume, and we’re having more successful end conversion rates. They’re going to give us more time as the buy now.
It wasn’t something I got in thinking about it. You’ve learned so much as you go but I was like, “I’m still teaching and coaching. I’m running the store at night.” There weren’t nights where it’s like, “I’m dead tired from track practice. I want to go to bed.” I had to pull myself up and go care about all these orders to fulfill.
I’ve got to do some more research. I want to add more products because I want to continue to grow and scale. There’s always something to be done. That’s where I was like, “I’m going to hire and train. I’m going to build this out. I’m going to move away from it completely and allow my team to run the day-to-day operations so that I can work on it all day every day.”
First of all, it sounds great. You’ve got a business that you can run from home with very little capital involved. In other words, if you are offering products, you don’t have to have inventory because you can get the customer, simply buy the product, and then ship it as-needed basis. Hopefully, this is from a lower cashflow. What problems do you start encountering? Someone receives their lawnmower and decides that it doesn’t work so they want to return it. Amazon has a very benevolent returns policy. What problems can that cause in a dropshipping environment?
Nothing too crazy. They are going to go through the same process of submitting or requesting a refund-return. We are going to get the shipping label from our supplier. It’s nothing out of our pocket. We will provide it to them. Once they have it, they can slap it on the box and get it shipped back in. Once the refund is initiated back to us and we know the product was in good acceptable returnable order, we then issue the refund back to the customer.
It comes around the full circle but you do run into it when you are dropshipping, not fulfilling your own product, don’t have your own warehouse and you are system checking your product. I will always use this as an example. FedEx is going to deliver these products then there was a fridge over 50 pounds. It’s like a mini-fridge. FedEx had a policy where they can’t move it up past three stairs.
They had a 4 or 5 stair stoop. They left it at the bottom. This customer was so irate and upset. They left the business owner a poor review. It was FedEx’s policy, not the store owner but Amazon wouldn’t remove it when they pull it down so it had a small effect on the image of their business. If somebody wanted to take the time to read the reviews, hopefully, people would see it through and go, “That’s silly.” It affected their star rating. There are five million pieces in dropshipping so you’ve got to apply the pieces.
Are you still actively involved in dropshipping or is that part of a portfolio? In other words, have you learned certain things from what you have been doing where it’s an area that you don’t want to go back to or that you would recommend that people start somewhere else?
We have learned and evolved so much that there are always times that you are going to have to pivot and adjust. Curveballs are going to be thrown but it’s about sitting on them and driving them. There are a lot of opportunities still but we have expanded into private label wholesaling products from brand owners where you are still getting inventory, leveraging that on Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Shopify, Facebook Marketplace and Etsy.
There are so many different platforms that you can get to work a niche or a very open general store. That’s how we diversify for our clients who are the business owners of each of these stores. We start crushing it here. “Let’s look to diversify and get onto this platform, too.” You have multiple streams and you are hitting the markets of people that are looking at this platform versus this platform. You can scoop up the loose balls if you will.
Your business is primarily consultant business. Is it not more compelling to build a business with customers with that momentum? Is there more value in that or is it easier for you to scale your operation by consulting other people that are embarking on this?
It’s set around having a win-win scenario where they are winning because they don’t have to learn the systems and they can diversify into an additional stream of income. We can win. At the end of the day to run a business, you need the capital within the business to grow and scale. We would need hundreds and millions of dollars if we wanted to run the volume that we are doing because we have all these storefronts and we can operate them.
The business owner brings the capital so they make most of the money but because we have so many different stores that we are operating, the percentage that we make on each of them becomes very lucrative and worth our while. To help people comes from my teaching and coaching background of mine. I’m still a teacher and a coach in this respect. I’m teaching, coaching, helping people evolve, and fill a void that many people have. That’s additional income so that they don’t have to be slaves to their lives and work all the time. We want people to enjoy their families.
For these people, do you not have a similar problem where once you embark on this eComm process that they will find themselves in the same position that you found yourself in to start with, which is there are not enough hours in the day? Are there ways of mitigating or spreading that across different operators? Some operators do different shifts depending on where they are geographical.
The way we are operating is that we have multiple shifts. We are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so they will work their eight-hour shift. When that shift ends, the individuals in our seven different office buildings come in. The people that are taking over at that station are still working on that same file. They are incentivized to continue to grind because, at the end of the month, they are paid on a percentage of the success. It’s not like they are handing it off, and then whoever willy-nilly gets it doesn’t continue to grind. Anyone and everyone, they are an extension. They are handing a baton to each of their team through every shift so that they continue to crush it.
Geographically, can you diversify the people that you need to run your business outside of the US? Can you bring in lower costs teams in other countries to do that?

eCommerce Automation: You want the business to work for you. You don’t want to continue to work for the business.
It’s exactly what we do. They were brilliant individuals but it’s based on their cost of living.
The Philippines and India are great locations. Years ago, I used to run very large teams of Indian outsourcing businesses. What you are doing is you are providing scale. For someone to come into the business, what they want to avoid is all of the pitfalls that you suffered when you started and to have a solution. What do these people bring? If you are effectively outsourcing the labor, the customer correspondence or the fulfillment, what do the people that work with you bring?
They are bringing the LLC and the business. They are the business owner and the contractor consultants. They are bringing the capital lines of credit. When we are using their lines of credit to purchase the product, they are getting a bunch of cashback and points on those cards that are cool but then we can run the business and scale it to the magnitude that they have available capital to do it.
We have stores that do $1,000 in revenue a month. We have stores that do consistently $200,000, $300,000, $400,000. In November and December, we have stores that do $500,000 to $900,000 in revenue a month. It depends on if they have the oomph on 1 card or 10 cards that we can run the business. As they get paid from Amazon, they pay their cards off.
What you are doing is far more valuable than purely the coaching side. If you are providing infrastructure that enables people to leverage capital, people are coming to you with capital effectively or access to capital. Do they then take a step back and say, “This is what we want to do?” Are you involved in the design of the stores or the selection of the products? Is that something that you leave to the clients?
Most of it is done for you. We want to be the ones that decisions because we are going to go in and make money. We are going to make the percentage of the money so we want it to be profitable as possible. We do have a few services where the client is a little more involved and inclined into the products. That’s a different setup but 95% of our business is us making those decisions, running it, and then benefiting them. We want it to be hands-off for them. It’s cashflow. It’s like, “I’ve got this team making me this money.”
If you had more capital available to you as a business, would you then evolve your business and cut out that? That money is going to be quite expensive. If you are leveraging other people’s capital, that’s equity funding. It comes at a very high price. It’s not just the cost of capital because they want a big piece of the profit that you make on each deal. Is it one of your strategies perhaps as you grow to disconnect from this distributed capital source, tap into something much simpler and bigger that you can then use yourself where you maximize the returns?
It crossed my mind and my management group’s minds but we get joy out of helping people while doing it. I make plenty of money, happiness and success out of this. It’s enjoyable to provide what we provide for people. It would be less enjoyable if I eventually made it less customer-based and client-based. We weren’t serving a client. I was just doing it for myself because then who do you celebrate all those wins with? I’m an ex-athlete. I like celebrating the winning aspect of anything in life.
I’m sure that for every ten great clients, you probably have one who’s a little bit tricky as it were. There’s that challenge. Is scalability an issue with you? Trying to deal with multiple clients that you have to have multiple people to deal with, you are expanding your infrastructure to deal with that capital.
At this stage of the game, it’s not. I’ve got a shy of 500 members on our team as far as virtual assistants go that have gone through our training that is active and working. We’ve got 400 and some odd stores that we run. At this stage of the game, we could run 1,500 stores with the number of people we have. If it got to the point where it’s like, “We are growing and scaling. Things are great,” we continue to hire into those management positions and continue to build out our VAs, our infrastructure, our buildings and systems in time. There’s no rush to it yet, knowing that eventually, we will find a happy spot where we don’t need to constantly bring in new clients and we manage all of them. We are filtering off their store success.
Was there a client who come to you and say, “I know nothing about eCommerce. I want to build a store. I knew nothing about the stores but I do have credit and capital?” Is that a client that you want to work with? They have no interest or ability to be involved on a day-to-day basis. They want to see the report and the revenue share at the end of the month.
That’s the best client. It’s like you are hearing people say that MBAs are more or less desirable in these higher-tiered businesses. They want to teach you what they know, instead of you coming in with this pre-taught. We want these people to come in as investors, current business owners, people that want to put their money to work. They are not coming in to learn a new skill or tell us they want us to do this or this. Let us do what we do best. We are going to have the absolute best relationship possible between that client and our service. That is the person we want that you described.
Can you find yourself where you are merging people into one store, rather than having 50 stores trying to compete to do the same product where one person wins? Are you able to bring people together in some form of syndication so that if you’ve got a large volume store, you could have twenty people behind that are funding that cashflow?
We have similar situations like that where they create their partnership. They come together to bring the capital on the funding. They come to us as the contractor, the consultants. We have some superstores as what I call them because they are bringing in all this capital. We also find diversifying situations. That is helpful, too. You are not just stuck on Amazon. “Let’s put you on to Walmart. Let’s leverage Facebook Marketplace. Let’s leverage building out a private domain on Shopify.” We will spread it out, and then piece each of those together.
That’s one of the other risks. If you build your entire business based on Amazon, I’m sure nothing would happen but could they change the algorithm or the rules of engagement that could affect your business? You’ve got that diversified strategy in place.
Reviews on a product become more important when you’re trying to sell your own branded, private label-based products, because it’s going to start from scratch and have zero.
Yes. Amazon throws curveballs all the time. That’s why we do it. You don’t know if there’s going to be a day that’s more difficult than the standard curveball.
What feedback do you get? As you get larger and become more important, is there a stage where you become of interest to these types of distribution networks like Amazon where they start providing you with incentives to stay with them or to grow your business because you become an important cog in their machinery?
We have reps that work within Amazon space that we can lean on and elbow when we need some additional support. I’ve got some people on the backend that work inside with their support facilities that can pull up different backend notes and things that the average person doesn’t have access to. We have grown within the space. We have been able to locate, meet and network with these people.
They realize that in the dropshipping, since Amazon is making 15% of every sale, they don’t even care what our margin is. If you sell $100 items, they make $15. We’ve got to make sure that we are selling and sourcing the product better than $85. They are making their money by being the platform and not even touching the product. When you have a big player in the game, they want to work and take care of you.
What are the things that have come out of the woodwork that surprised you both positively and negatively? This business has taken on a completely different size and scale from the business that you started years ago.
I started the whole thing in 2013 but the last years were where it has been in a scale mode and running EAG.
What things have surprised you where you thought, “I never thought that would happen. That’s wrong?”
It’s algorithms, unfortunately, because you are not working with an actual person on the other side of Amazon. It’s something that’s a red flag or trigger. They will pause and suspend a store. We are looking at it and we are like, “Why?” Nothing is out of line that this should be happening to get the attention of somebody on the other side of Amazon.
To effectively research, look at it, and then reinstate a store on time, that’s what drives us up a wall. We are working with computers more than we are working with people in that sense on their side of things. As we have grown and scaled, we have to explain this before our client signs our paperwork and says, “They are coming on.” We’ve got to say, “We are not Amazon.”
We do consider ourselves experts in the space and being able to be successful on their platform but Amazon could completely hit a light switch. Our hands are tied because we are not Amazon. We need you to know that. Understand that it’s a business so there are risks. The business could crumble overnight because of a curveball that they throw us. That’s why a seasoned investor is a good client for us because they understand that in any business.
Presumably, your business is in a position where you wanted to work on the business, not in the business. If you are an employee of your own business, then you run out of time. Time becomes your enemy but you’ve got something that is very scalable. You can add more people at the sub-contracted level and bring any number of different clients. Amazon is big enough to swallow up probably anything that you could generate in a reasonable time.
Time freedom is what I’m fully after.
One of the biggest challenges to any business owner is to try and avoid getting sucked into running the business. What advice would you give people to spot the signs of becoming a slave to your own business? How do you get out of that? You are a coach so you need a certain mindset. You see sportspeople every day where their mental challenge is as great as the physical challenge. What learnings did you bring that you can apply to other people?
I needed to be involved in the process because I wanted to become the expert in the space. There are lots of opportunities out there where people come in. They are the face and they facilitate certain things. I wanted to become the expert first. I wanted to be able to teach, grow and expand it so that I understand the industry and what we are going through. I can still be a vital component of the growth of EAG.
I also wanted to make sure that without going too far down the rabbit hole that I was able to higher management roles and delegate certain areas. In many cases, they are better at me in certain aspects of this game. I’ve got people that are better at working with clients one-on-one. I’ve got to the point where I was the customer service for a while. I was like no because then people feel like they need 100% access to me. By no means, am I Jeff Bezos? People don’t get a call and talk to Jeff Bezos when they have an issue, question or common concern with Amazon.
It might be time, Kirk Cooper of EAG, to switch gears to my infamous quick-fire questionnaire. Number one, what is your favorite word?

eCommerce Automation: There’s always times that you’re going to have to pivot and adjust. Curve balls are going to be thrown, but it’s about sitting on them, and driving them.
I say the word sweet all the time. It feels like a sentence. That’s sweet.
Number two, what is your least favorite word?
Question three, what are you most excited about?
Helping people, changing lives, giving people an opportunity to experience a lot of the things that I get to experience and that’s the time freedom. They don’t have to be slaves of having to work all the time for their money.
Number four, what turns you off?
People that I used to engage with regularly that I call good friends that I have created success, got a snowball effect going, and have seen a lot of success that no longer speak to me. It’s unfortunate because you think that they are either jealous individuals. I had a lot of people I thought were great friends and nothing has happened other than I have evolved. There must be some jealousy there. It’s unfortunate because I miss those relationships.
Question five, what sound or noise do you love?
I’m an outdoorsman. I love this time of year, September, being in the mountains and hearing elk bugle. The coolest thing in the world is having elk all around you where they are bugling and talking. It’s nothing like it. It’s cool.
What sound or noise do you hate?
Crying. It’s not that you hate it unless it’s your own children and they are being little brats. You wonder what’s causing somebody so much pain. You hate it and you wish you could help somebody. I hate seeing people sad so it’s crying and sobbing.
Question seven and you may plead the Fifth Amendment on this. What is your favorite curse word?
The F word. You emphasize it. It seems to make things better when you let it go.
Question number eight, what profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I wanted to be a professional athlete. One time, I wanted to be a football NFL player or Major League Baseball.
Try to fill the need of a vacant space, or find a product that you feel you can improve upon.
What profession would you not like to attempt?
I wouldn’t want to be the president. I have seen these last terms and they take a lot of heat, good, bad and ugly.
My final question is if heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
When you show up, it would be short and brief. “Kirk, you have done me proud and your family is in good hands.” Reassure that everything I have done and put my best foot forward has made a difference in people’s lives and that my family will be taken care of for years to come.
Kirk, it has been such a pleasure having you on. How do people find out more about you, EAG, and how to get involved in something that sounds incredibly exciting? Where’s the best place?
Our website is EcomAutomationGurus.com or you can connect and find me on Facebook, search Kirk Cooper and connect with me. The website is there. You can book calls. It’s all free strategy sessions. We love eking out and talking about opportunities. If it’s a great fit, let’s do business. If it’s not, no hard feelings. We are here to help people. Hopefully, we can point you in the direction of some other opportunities that we are aware of and can help change lives.
It’s wonderful to meet you. I can’t wait to follow your progress and stay in touch.
Thank you. I appreciate it. Thanks for having me.
Important links:
- Kirk Cooper – LinkedIn
- Amazon
- Walmart.com
- Shopify
- HomeGoods
- Ecom Automation Gurus
- Kirk Cooper – Facebook
About Kirk Cooper
I help businesses like yours get an extra 30-50 customers per month.
Marketing agencies do 2 things:
1) They provide leads – all of them.
2) They provide booked appointments – the higher end ones.
We take this a step further and do something that almost no other marketing agency does.
3) We generate actual customers through online ads,
This isn’t an easy task and it’s not something that we came up with overnight. However, after much trial and error we have perfected our system and it’s working for businesses exactly like yours.
Partnering up with us is easy.
And to really top it all off:
There are no no long-term commitments, no flashy sales pitch and no false promises here.
We simply get it done. That’s backed up by all of our positive client testimonials.
Reach out to me, today.
Ecom Automation Gurus:
Love the idea of passive income? We have the solution for you! www.ecomautomationgurus.com
We fully automate/ manage Amazon businesses for our clients (the business owners), thus allowing them to have a passive income based business! Reach out today, we would love to break down the entire business model for you.