04 Nov Success Never Comes In A Golden Box, So Pay Attention With Ola Dantis
Success never comes in a golden box with a red ribbon. So pay attention! Matthew Sullivan’s guest in this episode is Ola Dantis, a real estate investor and entrepreneur. Ola shares with Matthew how paying attention to little things in your business can make you or break you. You have to understand what you’re trying to achieve and what you need to get there. For Ola, two things matter most in his business: deals and capital. Join in the conversation to discover more instances when paying attention helped boost Ola’s success.
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I want to welcome Ola Dantis to the show.
I’m happy to be here.
I am just underwhelmed. There’s no beginning to my enthusiasm. Your story is fascinating. It is the true story of coming to America with $180 in your pocket and a few years later ending up with a multimillion-dollar real estate portfolio. It is everyone’s dream. What is interesting is we went to the same university in England. I was on your podcast. It’s funny because one of my daughters goes to Birmingham University as well.
It’s a great uni.
This means nothing to anyone unless you’ve been there but they have the finest Indian cuisine in the world, in Birmingham, Moseley in particular. It is the culinary epicenter of Indian cuisine. The three things that I miss most are Indian food, sausages and back bacon. The company you’ve found is called Dwellynn. People said, “Where does that come from?” You have to explain that to people.
Lynn is the end of my wife’s name. My wife’s name is Weona Lynn. That’s where that Lynn comes from. She is British too. Dwell is to dwell in the grace of God. “To dwell in the peace of God” has been repeated in the Bible.
To live in the home or to dwell in the home.
That’s the major reason as well. We combined the two together. It’s somewhat creative but not so creative at the same time.
Tell me the story because there’s a bit about you getting inspiration. You’re in Dubai at the time. You listened to a podcast and you had this flash of inspiration.
A friend of mine was doing real estate in the UK but I love to tell the story the same exact way because it’s always difficult for people to make that connection. I remember when I used to listen to podcasts and somebody is talking about how they closed a billion-dollar deal. I can never connect that person’s beginning of the story. The genesis is like, “How do you do that?” I always like to talk about the genesis. My wife and I moved to the US. Shortly thereafter, I got great jobs, living the American dream, going to work, coming home, going to work, traffic, come back home.
The American dream is very similar to the English dream but the weather is slightly better depending on where you live.
I was thinking, “There’s got to be something else to this. I can do this for the next 50 years, and then I die.” It’s pretty boring so I was looking for something else.
Why would you not just be happy with your lot, Ola? There’s nothing wrong with commuting and sitting in traffic. Mind you, in England at the moment, you’d be lucky to do that because I don’t think there’s any gasoline or petrol anywhere.
My sister called me from Milton Keynes and she’s like, “I was able to get a full tank of petrol.” I was like, “Lucky you. We’ve got plenty in Houston where I am. You may want to come over if you want.”
I just filled up my car and it cost me $4. This is America and they have gasoline.
A friend of mine called me from the UK and said, “Ola, do you want to fly to Dubai and meet me there? Help me with my business. I’ve got this business doing well in London and I’m going to meet some investors in Dubai.” I say this story, not just to say the story but success never comes in a golden box with a red ribbon, with fireworks and an announcement that says, “Here is your success coming to you.” It could be a phone call like mine.
Success never comes in a golden box with a red ribbon.
I did what every wise man does. I prayed about it and I asked my wife like, “My friend called me and said, ‘Are you going to come to Dubai?’” This was years ago before the pandemic and everything is all Zoom now. She was like, “Do you want to try Skype? Have you heard of Skype? Why do you have to travel just to have this meeting with your friend?” Anyway, long story short, I was on a plane to Dubai convincing my wife that this was a great idea and I could learn something. Essentially the hotel room was a very classic standard, no-frills hotel room. We’re not like quad biking in the desert. This was a classic standard hotel.
It’s 750th floor, presumably. When was this? Was this at the height of the Dubai property boom? Was this a long time ago?
This was probably 2015.
Dubai had this huge bump and then the collapse around ‘08, ‘09.
I was helping my friend out at the time. I still had that thing at the back of my mind like, “You’ve got to do something else with your life, not just go into a cubicle every single day.” I saw he was completing these transactions. We call it in the UK, complete. We call it close in the US. I was going back on the plane and I was thinking, “Maybe I could do this property thing in the US but I knew nothing about it.”
How hard can real estate be?
This guy is doing it and he’s doing pretty well. I thought, “I don’t know anything about properties but my other best friend does google.” When I go back to the US, I started googling and I stumbled upon BiggerPockets and then I got on their podcast.
Joe Fairless is on your board in Dwellynn. I’ve never met him but I’ve been on his podcast. Joe Fairless has the best real estate investing podcast ever. When you stumbled across BiggerPockets, Joe is part of that, isn’t he?
Joe was pretty prolific on that site in the past. He doesn’t have any stake in that but he owns the Best Ever podcast. Joe was my mentor. We’ll talk about that. That’s why he was the very first guest on my podcast when I started years ago. I started googling and I got on BiggerPockets, got on their podcast. I started from the bottom. This is important too. I’m not telling the story just to tell the story. If you’re starting out, this is how you could do it and this is one way to do it.
There’s a bit missing here. You’re in Dubai, now suddenly, you’re in the US.
We spent three days in a hotel room with my friend. I had some understanding of his business. On my way back to the US on the plane, I was like, “I should do this,” but I didn’t know anything.
Were you in the US at that time?
I was in the US. Going back, I told my wife like, “I learned a bunch of stuff about the property but I don’t know anything about it but I’m going to learn.” That’s what I do every day, I’m going to learn. She’s like, “Whatever.” I listened to the podcast on BiggerPockets from the bottom, all the way to the top. I noticed something. In your journey to success, pay attention, every single guest on the BiggerPockets podcast always references a book Rich Dad Poor Dad. I don’t know what this book is but then I went to my second best friend, Amazon. If you want to be successful, that should be your second best friend.
You have to read a lot. Anyway, I bought the book from Amazon and I read the book in supersonic speed obsessively. The best way I could describe this was after reading that book, everything that I was trying to talk to myself about going to work, coming back and doing it again, I felt like he stole my idea and put it in a book in 1992. I was like, “This is what I’ve been trying to figure out.” Two, three months after that, I bought my first property. It was a duplex in Baltimore, Maryland, not too far from John Hopkins Hospital, and then the rest is history.
It’s a great story but the process of buying a property, particularly when you’re making your first investment, is the hardest thing I would have thought because you can’t just go for something because you live in Houston.
I now live in Houston. This was in Baltimore, Maryland.

Pay Attention: Look up properties that have a 1% rent to value ratio.
Presumably, you weren’t living in Baltimore at the time.
I was living in Baltimore.
You were buying property in another state. What made you choose that property? How did you get the capital together to do that if you didn’t already have it? What was going through your mind? What made you choose that one property?
That process, that 2, 3 months of reading and listening to the podcast was important because while I was reading and learning, I realized that there are different strategies that you can do. You can start flipping houses, wholesaling and a bunch of stuff. I stumbled upon one called house hacking. This means you can buy a duplex, triplex or fourplex, which are basically 2-in-1, 3-in-1 or 4-in-1 houses, respectively. You live in one and you rent the others out.
You get a mortgage and the good thing about America is if you’re getting your very first mortgage, all you have to do is put 3.5% down. In the grand scheme of things, that’s not a ton of money unless you’re buying $10 million, which we weren’t because we’re just buying a tiny little duplex in Baltimore. I learned that strategy during my reading.
Why did I choose that one property? My wife and I looked at a lot of properties, probably 10 to 15 at least, which were duplexes and triplexes. I use three things mainly, which I still teach now. Number one, I look at properties that have a 1% rent-to-value ratio. Meaning if I was buying a property for $100,000, the rent should be at least $1,000 or 1% per month.
The second thing is I do not buy in bad areas. The crime has to be the lowest. I use Trulia, which is a website in the US to find that out. I won’t buy anywhere that is rough. Number three, I always look for some value add, which means I can go in and fix up the place, and force appreciates that property. This is a little tricky with single-family but what I was trying to buy was single-family as well as multifamily.
This particular property had been on the market for six months. It was dated. It had the original wood flooring. At this time, multifamily wasn’t as hot. My wife and I knew quickly that if we buy this thing, we can increase the rent. It was owned by a couple that was living far away in Suburbia, Maryland. We were like, “This is it.” We went on and bought it. Everything worked out. I still own that property. It’s doing fantastically well.
Now, several years later, it probably appreciated well. That transaction went pretty well. You’ve got the property. You filled it with tenants, presumably. You’ve got the rental income coming in but that’s not where you are now. Dwellynn is not just one property. Where are you now and how did you move from that one property? Five or six years is a very short space of time. Tell us more about what your position looks like nowadays.
It’s funny you said that because 5 or 6 years feels like a relatively short time to be able to close on a $10 million-plus deal, which I did a few months ago. When I was living through the five years, it felt like forever like, “When am I going to get my big deal done?” After we bought the duplex, any wise person would go, “Keep doing this. Keep buying more duplex, triplex.” I don’t want to own too much. I wouldn’t say I was wise. I met a partner who said, “Ola, let’s go flip some properties down the street. You’re going to make $50,000.” By the way, that was a bad idea.
You only know that afterward.
I did that for a couple of years but before I did that, I heard a podcast just like this. Michael Blank’s podcast and Joe Fairless was the guest. He was talking about multifamily and buying larger apartments. I thought, “I bought a small building. It would be nice to buy a ten-unit or whatever.” At the end of the interview, he said, “I’m going to give my phone number but nobody’s going to call me anyway.” This is also a success hack. Remember what I said, “Success never comes in a golden box.”
He gave out his phone number at the end of the podcast. I called him and I said, “Joe, I’m nobody. Whatever you charge for mentoring, I cannot afford it. Give me a payment plan and I will pay it.” I’m telling people this because the power of the subconscious mind is absolute. The brain takes positive or negative. If you keep telling yourself, “I don’t have money, I can’t do this.” The brain doesn’t care. It’s eavesdropping in everything you say. I knew that I didn’t have money because I saw my account. I knew I couldn’t afford this guy but I still tried and I got in.
That was the turning point in my life because this guy had 100 AUM at that time, which is Assets Under Management. Now he has a billion, by the way. He took me under his wing and showed me everything he was doing. Even though I was learning to buy my first large apartment, I got diverted because I met a partner that said, “Let’s go flip some houses.” I flipped some houses for about two years or so and I hated it. That’s a different conversation. I did not like flipping and so I went back to continue my mentoring on the job. At that time, some of the guys and girls in my cohort were already buying their first 100-unit apartment. I lost some time. That five years could have been compressed, but I lost those two years messing around with little tiny projects.
There’s presumably a ton of valuable experience. The interesting thing is I suppose it’s quite attractive if you’re looking at flipping houses where you were, in Maryland. I would imagine there were quite a few relatively low-cost houses. It seems attractive that you think, “I can buy this house for $50,000 and how much is it going to cost. I’ll have it for a few weeks and flip it.” Let’s explore that for a bit because you did it for a couple of years. You’re glossing over it but there are probably some huge lessons that you learned in flipping houses. All the TV programs that we see make it look as if it’s a slam dunk every time. Was that your experience?
I would say, yes and no. Most importantly, I knew myself. I realized that I didn’t have the temperament to flip houses. It’s just not my thing. I’m a perfectionist but I didn’t realize this until I was driving all the contractors crazy like how they didn’t paint the corners properly and their work was shabby. I was annoying because I was there every single day.
Understand the dynamism of your team and know how to move people around to the beauty of words.
This is probably more about the contractors, I presume.
You already know. I’m getting there in the morning at 6:00. I’m like, “Where is this guy? He should have started the work by now. I’ve been up since 5:00 AM, where is he?” He’s getting there at 9:00 AM, strolling in. I’m like, “What is going on?” I drove them crazy. That’s number one. Number two is also the time value. I was thinking about the Facebook feed of my friends buying a 100-unit apartment while I was covered in dust, in my shorts in the summer, in the hot Baltimore sun, trying to help the contractors with trash. I go to my wife and she’s like, “What are you doing? Is this how you want to spend your life?”
I didn’t enjoy it. It wasn’t complex for me. I realized that I like complex things. I decided to stop one of the properties that I actually built, which is on my portfolio somewhere. I still own that as well. We built it from scratch. As you said, there were some technical experiences in some of the constructions, costs and things like that. I did get out on a project. I didn’t just put lipstick on a pig as they call it. All my projects were like take everything out and start again with the architects, planning and things like that. That was great but it was just wasn’t my thing. Now, I’m looking at quotes of $150,000 for roofs and things like that. It’s a little bit different but some of those experiences do help somewhat.
You say that you’re attracted more to complex things. Is that the cerebral challenge that you didn’t get when you’re building at the grassroots level? What is your background in Birmingham? Was it Business studies and you got a Master’s?
I actually read Biomedical Science, my first degree. I then got a scholarship to go to a business school down the road to study Strategic Markets, and then Consulting.
What was interesting to you when you were seeing all of your fellows and the cohort doing these deals is the complexity of the deals, the multiple moving parts from a funding perspective, from a legal perspective, structuring, syndication. Is that what brought you closer to these bigger deals?
Yes. It’s fascinating because now, the deal we closed was above $10 million. You feel the magnitude. I always tell people as well, you feel a gross insufficiency of you because it’s such a big project. It’s not like you standing in your flip project by yourself telling the contractor what’s there. This is bigger than yourself. We’ve got lawyers and contractors. Just the pre-closing was a lot of people. I got probably over 3,000 emails that were copied on. You can feel the magnitude.
The important thing is that the success of these projects is entirely dependent on your ability to project manage all of those people. It’s like an orchestra without the conductor, it doesn’t matter how good the first violinist is if it comes in at the wrong time.
I have to make sure that my lawyer doesn’t say the wrong thing to my brokers before we get the deal on the contract because they’re going to kill the deal. Not only am I managing my lawyer but I’m also managing my broker’s ego all at the same time. It’s also understanding the dynamism of my team and knowing how to move people around and the beauty of words. I tell people, these are very esoteric elements that people don’t focus on, but it’s quite important to get a deal from start to finish, a deal like ours, 100%.
How did you find this deal? You’re fixing and flipping houses in Baltimore. You’ve become inspired by listening to Joe Fairless and you’ve become part of his mentoring program. You’ve got a certain amount of information. Information is only as good as the person that executes it. How did you take that information and that idea? How did you execute that? How did you put the wheels into motion so that you could start playing in a much bigger ballpark?
As part of our cohort, we can all partner with each other. I partnered with some GPs, General Partners as what we call them. They were investing in Houston, Texas. I was part of the deal. It went great. As a matter of fact, they tried to sell that deal now so it’s going through full cycle. I was still in Maryland, in Baltimore at the time finishing up my second project. I was like, “Maybe we could move to Texas.” I was telling my wife this because I was struggling to find good deals in Baltimore.
Not only finding good deals but also finding investors who cared for Maryland and especially Baltimore. When I spoke to them, they’re like, “I really like Texas now.” I’m like, “I should be in Texas.” I bring up this because this is important. I told my wife yet again, “Let’s pack up.” Remember, we moved from our apartment in Suburban, Maryland to Baltimore in the city where we could not find parking with this new building we just bought. Now, I’m like, “I think it’s Texas. That’s where it’s at right now.”
Your wife should probably get all the applause for your success.
She’s like, “Again?” I’m like, “I promise you, this is the last time.” This is important. We left our lives and our properties, which we still own in Baltimore. My baby was 2 or 3 years old at the time, My wife was pregnant as well. We moved down just before the lockdown in 2020 to Houston. Shortly after moving here, we’ve closed quite a lot of deals in 2021, nearing $20 million. I wanted to mention that if you’re reading this and you’re in LA or New York City and you’re like, “The market is so high right now. I can’t find deals,” the good thing is as Jim Rohn talks about all the time, “You’re not a tree, you can move.”
It is important to go where the money is. I used to be a stockbroker years ago and there was an expression then which is, “Let the trend be your friend.” In other words, money moves and smart money moves to areas. The trick is to follow that and not to keep banging your head against the wall. What was that other expression? “The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.” That’s great. You had your cohort. You had people that you were working with. Are you now pulling the strings for your own deals as opposed to being like a GP alongside other people?
In this industry, it’s very difficult to do this by yourself. To answer your question, yes. On this deal that we’ve closed, I’m one of three GPs. Three people are still not enough. We have a property management company thankfully to help us with the day-to-day operations. I have no interest whatsoever to be the main guy because the work is a lot.

Pay Attention: The power of the subconscious mind is absolute.
You usually would have other partners. I have two other partners. Luckily, they are a husband and wife team. We gel together and we do most of our ideas together. I’m a big believer in having loyalty. That’s a big value for me. You have to choose a partner in business as well and stay with that partner as opposed to partnering with this person, and then partner with that person. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. For me as a value, I would rather stay with my partners.
My experience of real estate is that it has to be a very collaborative business. You cannot be all things to all people because there are many moving parts in any real estate transaction. Successful people are the people that partner up and have long-term business partnerships. I’ve seen some of these real estate partnerships that go back decades where they amass huge amounts of experience within their partnerships, which gives them the ability to do deals that work. Tell us a bit about some of the pitfalls or some of the mistakes that people make when they don’t have the benefit of that experience.
I could write a book on this.
I’m trying to write a book so I need some ideas.
Number one, the intangible part of business gets lost. We don’t talk about that enough. I can bombard the readers with technical jargon and cap rates. That’s great but do you know how to deal with people? Do you know how to use your words for war because business is war? As subtle as it might be or might seem, it is war. In 2020, we had twelve other competing offers and we won that deal. I joke with people that I wrote a poem to the seller before we won. The intangible part of business in winning is so critical and being aware of those things helps you get to where you’re trying to get to.
Here’s a question I can ask you. Occasionally, I get Brits on this show as well. It’s something that I found when I came over here several years ago. Despite all of the technological advancements, the business world seems to be very much driven by relationships, more so than I experienced in England. That may be because I didn’t notice what it was like when I was in England because when you’re in a place, sometimes you can’t see. Do you feel that over here, in some respects, it is more old-fashioned mano–a–mano dealing with people that you know, like and trust? That’s more the case. Is that what you found?
A hundred percent. I’m in a business where we’re buying large assets. This is not like going to buy a tiny house down the street. The gatekeepers in our industry are called brokers, not real estate agents. These guys wake up every day to get large apartment owners to sell their assets. That’s a craft. That’s multiple steak dinners and keeping the relationship with these owners. I have to keep a relationship with the brokers with the same method, calling, dining and golfing. That part cannot be skipped. In our industry, there are different categories of deals. There could be something we call listed deals, which gets blasted out. Everybody sees the property. There’s something we call off-market deals, which they haven’t blasted it but some groups have seen the property. There’s something we call off-off-market, which is you’re the only person looking at the deal.
If you let the guy win when you took him to golf, that’s when you get the off-off deals.
The reason that I’m bringing this up is 100%, it’s relationship-based. It’s a completely unfair business.
It’s not unfair because it’s a meritocracy to a certain extent. It’s not quite the country club closed shop that some people may think because if through your own determination and desire to succeed and your own ability, you’re able to build those relationships. That’s a good thing. Do you agree?
Yes. There’s an element of luck as well and there’s also the fact that someone liked me understand the room that I find myself in, in America and the system. It’s a strictly capitalistic society. You have to understand the game that you are playing, and you have to make sure you’re in that position to win.
You’re creating your own luck to some extent.
I say this because this is important as well. That’s how I’ve got into the spot I found myself. My partners are a Chinese couple that I met at a conference in 2020. You got to be in the right rooms, in the right place, understanding different people, and putting together different types of people.
Speaking as an immigrant myself. You find what I find that one tends to pay more attention because you’re in a different environment, the one that you’ve been used to for all your life. You listen more and you pay attention to detail. You don’t take things for granted. Do you find that as well? That’s quite helpful because other people may simply go in with expectations. If you go in with no expectations or with a completely blank canvas, do you think that helps? Is that advice you can give people? In other words, pay more attention to other people, listen to other people before you use them with your own thoughts?
Especially as you’re moving up the economic ladder. In America, you have to pay attention. That’s why I’ve been heavy on this subject. You have to understand what you’re trying to achieve and how you need to get there. For my business, there are two things that matter, finding deals and finding equity or capital. That’s all. When you wake up to when you sleep, that’s what matters.
The deals and the money.
I picked one at the beginning, which was finding the capital. I then realized, “I can get the capital but I may not have good deals.” I changed again to finding the deals, and then I have partners that can help with the equity. It’s paying attention to little things like that in your business that can make or break you. It’s understanding the philosophical concept of patience. In my 30s and most people think, “I’m going to do a business for five years. If it doesn’t work, I’m going to quit.” No, you are not. You’re going to quit when you die. That’s the determination that I had, that I have to make this work. That’s what happens. It does work.
You have to understand what you’re trying to achieve and what you need to get there.
I found that too in my experience. The most overriding success factor is the ability to be determined and tenacious, and see the deals through you rather than just give up on some technicality. Time to move on. Talking about giving up on technicalities. I have in my hand, Ola Dantis, a piece of paper that says Hooked On Startups Quick Fire questionnaire.
Let’s do it.
Are you sure?
I cannot wait.
There are very difficult questions. Question number one. What is your favorite word?
It’s a fabulous word. I know exactly what it is. I can see why it’s your favorite word. Question number two. What is your least favorite word?
I know it’s a very short word that delivers a vast sea of emptiness. Question three. What are you most excited about now?
For some reason, I’m so into my kids. I’ve got two girls. I love watching them play and cry.
What do you mean, “For some reason?” They are your children, that is the reason.
You would have to explain it to me and say like a deal.
It could be anything. It’s fantastic.
I am enjoying my kids now, watching them grow and getting taller every day.
I had young children too and it’s killing me because they are growing so fast. Each moment is precious. Question number four. What turns you off now?
Sluggishness/lack of common sense. As a business owner, I’m not saying that I lack common sense. Sometimes I’m like, “Come on. You’re so slow. You lack common sense. Come on, let’s go.”
My favorite word is fatuous. It’s like, “Why couldn’t you do it?” “That’s just fatuous.” I’m trying out different words like you’re trying pants or shoes. Anyway, question number five. What sound or noise do you love?

Pay Attention: You have to keep the relationship with brokers; calling, dining, and golfing.
None. I meditate every day at 5:00 AM and I’ve got these Apple AirPods and you can silence it like no sound whatsoever.
Silence is golden. Question six. What sound or noise do hate?
The cry of my little daughter.
I know what you mean specifically when it’s 3:00 AM or something. Question number seven. You may plead the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution on this question. What is your favorite curse word?
F***ck you.
No one will understand that. That was a reference to only fools and horses. Another episode, all in itself. Question number eight. What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt?
A standup comedian.
Question number nine. What profession would you not like to attempt?
I don’t want to be a garbage man. I have a high level of disgust.
We used to call them dustbin men in England. When I was a kid, we used to leave them $20 at Christmas because if you didn’t, they wouldn’t empty your bins properly. I remember in the olden days before the trucks that would pick up the bins for you, you’d have these huge guys who would pick up these 500-pound trash cans and throw them in the back. I can see that, particularly in the big cities. You don’t want to be anywhere near other people’s stuff. I can see that. There isn’t a set of rubber gloves on Earth that can insulate you from that sufficiently. Anyway, Ola Dantis, my final question, if heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
I want to hear him say, “Welcome, Ola Dantis.” That’d be a good start to get to heaven. Whatever happens, I don’t want to go to hell. I heard it’s not nice there.
It’s a tricky one to answer. The last question. How do people get in touch with you and find out what you’re doing with Dwellynn, and find out about your podcast? Where’s the best place?
I’m pretty ubiquitous on the internet, Ola Dantis. Just google me or go to this site, InvestWithOla.com. If you’re on Instagram, I’m there. Find me @OlaDantis. You cannot miss me. I’m everywhere.
It’s been such a pleasure having you and great to meet you. I’m looking forward to staying in touch and following your progress. Once again, Ola, thank you for being on.
Likewise. Thank you so much. I appreciate you, sir.
Important Links:
- Podcast – Dwellynn Show
- Ola Dantis
- Dwellynn
- BiggerPockets
- Best Ever podcast
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Trulia
- Podcast – Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing Past Episode
- @OlaDantis – Instagram
About Ola Dantis
Ola, the Founder/CEO at Dwellynn.com, a multifamily investment syndication firm, has successfully sourced deals of over 40 million dollars by working closely with Sellers and with other Apartment Syndicators across the country. Though Ola has only lived in the US for a few years, he has successfully closed deals in excess of 15M dollars. Ola continues to exceed investors’ returns, building upon his success in the real estate investing space. Ola likes to post his progress and encourages his community of more than 35,000 strong on Instagram.
Recently, Ola, via Dwellynn, closed on a 178-unit apartment building north of Austin, TX and another deal in Houston, TX. Ola continues to meet or exceed investors’ returns by investing in Value add deals in strong metropolitan cities across the United States.
Ola enjoys working with new investors to help them become successful real estate investors.
Finally, our firm aims to give back with Dwellynn’s 1HousePledge, which is an initiative todonate a house to a family for Christmas, starting in Baltimore. In addition, in his trip to the Philippines and Bali, Ola visited slums and is now working on a local initiative to help people in need.
This is our WHY!